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We offer Bible Study groups for all ages starting at 9:30AM in the main building.


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Mission Friends

A mission's discipleship group for ages 2 yrs old through kindergarten. In Mission Friends, preschoolers develop a missions heart as they move from a focus on themselves to a focus on others. Preschoolers grow toward God as they become aware that God wants everyone to know of His love. Mission Friends meet Wednesdays from 6:40 - 7:30 pm during the school year.  Please join us in the fall, August 23 when Mission Friends will resume with our Wednesday Night Live Programs.


Music program for children, 4 years old through 6th grade. Kids learn the importance of using music and instruments in praising God. They have opportunities to perform in musical presentations and other singing performances within the church. Kidzone meets Wednesdays 5:40 - 6:30pm during the school year. Please join us in the fall, August 23 when KidZone Praise will resume with our Wednesday Night Live Programs.

Girls in Action (GA)

A mission's discipleship group for girls 1st – 6th grade. The GA Motto is “Go Forward!” Girl's in Action helps girls grow spiritually as they discover their part in His plan and practice what they learn through hands-on missions opportunities. GA leads girls to a lifelong commitment to Christ, His mission, and His church.  GA's meets Wednesdays 6:40 - 7:30 during the school year. Please join us in the fall, August 23 when GA's will resume with our Wednesday Night Live Programs.

Royal Ambassadors (RA)

A mission's discipleship group for boys 1st – 6th grade. RA's provides an opportunity for boys to grow spiritually, physically, mentally, and relationally with others through missions involvement and character development. RA's meets Wednesdays 6:40 - 7:30pm during the school year. Please join us in the fall, August 23 when RA's will resume with our Wednesday Night Live Programs. 

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